About the blog

We are all called to be holy in our specific walk of life, wherever we are, and whatever we do. Living our holiness means that our thoughts, feelings, and actions are exactly as God would expect of us. Every day. In big and small choices. We are called to continuously live in the presence of God, to listen to his will, and to act accordingly. “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:48

This blog is is a place to explore our journey seeking holiness in every day life through works of justice and kindness, study of scripture, prayer, and contemplation. Micah 6:8 has always been a succinct and inspiring guide in my spiritual walking. The content of this blog is aligned with and guided by my Catholic faith and the rich Catholic spirituality tradition. All scripture passages are based on the New Revised Standard Edition Bible.

About the blogger

Hector received 20 years of Catholic education and has a Master's degree in Pastoral Theology. He has a Professional Certificate in Catechesis by the Diocese of Venice in Florida and is currently a catechist for Confirmation classes. He has taught First Communion and RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) classes, and has presented at retreats. He is married and has four adult children and two grandchildren