Having the courage to fully live our faith in the world
/“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God."
- Isaiah 41:10
As I wake up each morning and glance out the sliding door to our balcony, the first thing I see is a beautiful glass cross hanging from a suction cup. This cross holds a special significance as it was crafted by a dear friend, a talented glass artist. When the sun shines bright, the cross radiates a stunning blue light that brings joy to my heart. But one morning this week, I found myself having thoughts that come from fear. I worried that the cross may break, the suction cup might fail, or someone might accidentally bump into the door and cause it to fall. These thoughts made me consider putting the cross in a safe box to protect it (after consulting with my wife).
In the same way, when we fully live our Christian faith in the world, we may face ridicule, rejection, and even persecution. We may also struggle with fears and anxieties about our safety and well-being. In other words, we may break or our glass may chip. However, if we choose to hide or downplay our faith, it is like putting the cross in a safe box. We deprive ourselves and others of the healing light and unique "color" that our faith can radiate in the world.
But there is hope. Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we can find the courage to live our faith fully and openly. Fortitude, one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, gives us the courage to face adversity and endure pain if necessary. I pray to God daily to strengthen the gifts of the Holy Spirit within me so that I can discern and live his will and shine his divine light on others.
“God’s love calls us to move beyond fear. We ask God for the courage to abandon ourselves unreservedly so that we might be molded by God’s grace, even as we cannot see where that path may lead us.”
With God’s grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we can live our faith by, as the prophet Micah said, acting for justice, spreading kindness in this world that hurts, and walking humbly with God. Be blessed!