Prayer to St Mary Magdalene
/St Mary Magdalene’s feast day is July 22nd
St Mary Magdalene accompanied Jesus and his apostles throughout their ministry and it is understood that she was one of the financial backers of Jesus’ ministry. She likely stayed near Jesus during his passion, and was at the foot of the cross with Jesus’ mother and St John, while others hid in fear. She was the first person Jesus appeared to after the resurrection and she announced the great news to the apostles, hence she is known as the “apostle to the apostles.”
“O lamp of the world and gleaming pearl, who by announcing Christ’s resurrection merited to become the “Apostle of the Apostles,” Mary Magdalen, be ever our loving advocate with God who has chosen you.”
Prayer to St Mary MagdaleneO Glorious St. Magdalene,
“model of penitents,”
obtain for me
the grace of perseverance
in the practices of self-denial
according to the Spirit
of my vows;
pray to God for me
that I may appear before Jesus
Our Lord and Master,
at the moment of my death,
with my lamp
filled with the oil of faith
and hope, and burning
with the pure flame of charity;
and thus merit to be received
with thee into
His eternal Kingdom.
“Most of all I imitate the behavior of Mary Magdalene for her amazing, or rather loving, audacity which delighted the heart of Jesus [and] has cast its spell upon mine”