Living a life of virtue
/Exploration of living the theological and moral virtues in our life
Read MoreExploration of living the theological and moral virtues in our life
Read MoreIncreasing understanding of the faith, hope, and charity virtues. Why do they matter? How do we grow in them?
Read MoreA brief overview of the inspiring life of Blessed Carlo Acutis
Read MoreMeditating on the nature of God and what he desires the most for us helps us deal with suffering
Read MorePrayer to the Holy Spirit to abide in us and guide us
Read MoreFulfilling God’s will seems scary and challenging, but we must not be afraid.
Read More20 years ago I prayed to St. Therese to intercede to God for my father’s healing from a critical heart situation and we witnessed a miracle.
Read MoreHow will we transform in heaven? How does scripture help us answer this question?
Read MoreWhat did Jesus mean by “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”?
Read MoreThe 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit guide us in our discernment of God’s will and in aligning our lives to God’s plan
Read MoreGod’s grace is essential to our salvation; God pours his divine love in us through the Holy Spirit to help us in our journey to holiness.
Read MoreHappy the soul to whom it is given to attain this life with Christ, to cleave with all one’s heart to him whose beauty all the heavenly hosts behold forever, whose love inflames our love, the contemplation of whom is our refreshment, whose graciousness is our delight, whose gentleness fills us to overflowing, whose remembrance makes us glow with happiness, whose fragrance revives the dead, the glorious vision of whom will be the happiness of all the citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem. For he is the brightness of eternal glory, the splendor of eternal light, the mirror without spot.
St. Clare of Assisi
O Christ Jesus
When all is darkness,
And we feel our weakness and helplessness,
Give us the sense of Your Presence,
Your Love and Your Strength.
Help us to have perfect trust,
In Your protecting love,
And strengthening power,
So that nothing may frighten or worry us,
For, living close to You,
We shall see Your Hand,
Your Purpose, Your Will through all things.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Have you ever thought of yourself as a prophet? We are called to be prophets but why and how do we live this calling?
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel reading (Mark 5:21-43) we get a powerful lesson on the importance of having humility and an unwavering faith in God’s love and omnipotence during prayers of petition and intersession. Jesus performs the miraculous healings of Jairus' daughter and a hemorrhaging woman because of their intense faith.
Read More“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” In Matthew 27:46 we hear Jesus on the cross say in Aramaic and Hebrew “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” How is it possible the the Son of God, knowing that He is fulfilling His Father’s plan, felt such despair? This is shocking.
Read MoreWe all crave happiness. It is a desire that God has placed in our hearts to draw us to Him, the true source of perfect and eternal happiness. But we get confused and try to fill this craving with wealth, power, pleasure, and honor. When Jesus saw the crowds He went up to the mountain and taught them how to achieve happiness, in fact, utmost bliss.
Read MoreThis week the Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi, also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In this feast we celebrate the wonderful gift of Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist. We honor His body, blood, soul, and divinity truly and substantially present in the Eucharist. After mass we had a meaningful Eucharistic Procession around the church.
Read MoreThere are times in our lives when we feel attacked and persecuted. When people turn against us for no good reason. Perhaps out of jealousy, misunderstanding, the need for power and control, or many other reasons. We may feel victims of injustice. The situation may not make sense. Why are they treating me so bad, when I was honest, caring, loving, a good worker? Injustices rarely make sense and they pierce one’s heart. We allow the evil in the world to hook us, to get to our heart and cause suffering.
Read MoreWith Ash Wednesday we begin the beautiful and important liturgical season of Lent. Even though Advent is such a happy season, full of light and joy, I actually prefer Lent. Perhaps because there are so many other distractions during Advent with parties, Christmas cards, gifts, special meals, etc. I like the simplicity of Lent, the reminder to repent, and the exhortation to imitate Jesus Christ. I appreciate the silence and self-reflection of the next 40 days. While our focus tends to be on what we are going to sacrifice, the real question needs to be what we need to change in our lives to become more holy, more Christ-like. Here are 7 things we should know about Lent
Read MoreThis blog explores our spiritual growth, our journey seeking holiness in every day life.