Do you consider yourself a prophet?
/Have you ever thought of yourself as a prophet? We are called to be prophets but why and how do we live this calling?
Read MoreHave you ever thought of yourself as a prophet? We are called to be prophets but why and how do we live this calling?
Read MoreWe all crave happiness. It is a desire that God has placed in our hearts to draw us to Him, the true source of perfect and eternal happiness. But we get confused and try to fill this craving with wealth, power, pleasure, and honor. When Jesus saw the crowds He went up to the mountain and taught them how to achieve happiness, in fact, utmost bliss.
Read MoreThere are times in our lives when we feel attacked and persecuted. When people turn against us for no good reason. Perhaps out of jealousy, misunderstanding, the need for power and control, or many other reasons. We may feel victims of injustice. The situation may not make sense. Why are they treating me so bad, when I was honest, caring, loving, a good worker? Injustices rarely make sense and they pierce one’s heart. We allow the evil in the world to hook us, to get to our heart and cause suffering.
Read MoreWith Ash Wednesday we begin the beautiful and important liturgical season of Lent. Even though Advent is such a happy season, full of light and joy, I actually prefer Lent. Perhaps because there are so many other distractions during Advent with parties, Christmas cards, gifts, special meals, etc. I like the simplicity of Lent, the reminder to repent, and the exhortation to imitate Jesus Christ. I appreciate the silence and self-reflection of the next 40 days. While our focus tends to be on what we are going to sacrifice, the real question needs to be what we need to change in our lives to become more holy, more Christ-like. Here are 7 things we should know about Lent
Read MoreWe all crave to fill our whole being with God, but are often tempted to fulfill our hunger by these 4 substitutes for God.
Read MoreThere are many things I need to improve in my journey to holiness, but one for sure is my ability to surrender my worries and concerns to God with faith and full confidence. This morning I woke up worrying about a situation of a friend. I wonder how the person could get better, I wondered what I could do to help, and I feared what could happen if things don't improve. I pray for this person every day, but in general terms, for this person's well being.
My wife then came to the room and was telling me a story about how the father of this child that was very ill prayed with full confidence in God's mercy and the child was miraculously healed. Her story hit me like a brick. What am I doing worrying about this person's future? Have I still no faith? Jesus can calm a storm with one command, yet I think I can fix something on my own and don't think of surrendering and asking. I need to surrender this specific concern to God and ask for His mercy and grace in this specific situation. I can't do anything, but He can do it all. If it is His will, and it is what's best then this person will be healed. It's in Jesus' hands. Of course, yesterday's reading just confirmed the revelation.
“38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” 39 He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. 40 He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” 41 And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”
The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (Mk 4:38–41). ”
This blog explores our spiritual growth, our journey seeking holiness in every day life.